
The Latest News

Keep Well This Winter

December 6, 2021

Keep well this winter and give your local NHS a hand Your health and well-being are important. This winter it’s more important than ever to take care of your health as we face a bad flu season along with rising cases of COVID-19.

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Cadge Road Community Centre Covid-19 Update

December 1, 2021

Hopefully you are all keeping well and enjoying being back at Cadge Road Community Centre to deliver your activities. Like the rest of us you may be concerned about the continuing pandemic and especially recent changes to the requirements regarding social distancing and the wearing of face coverings...

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The Big Bike Revival

October 19, 2021

Henderson Trust's Not About the Bike have put together The Big Bike Revival project helping you to unlock the joy of cycling...

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10-16 Summer Activities

July 22, 2021

10-16 Activities are back with a range of exciting things to do this summer. See the links below for details on all available 10-16 summer activities. Places are limited and need to be booked. All activities are free with lunches and travel for trips provided.

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