
The Latest News

Food For Thought

October 18, 2017

There are many reasons people can ­find themselves struggling to make ends meet and when families have no financial safety net a crisis such as bereavement, benefit delay, redundancy or illness can leave them unable to feed themselves or their families.

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Take A Peak At This – It’s No Small Feat!

October 18, 2017

A lot has been happening at the West Earlham Dental Practice since we met up with Dr Gautam Sharma for the spring edition. When we spoke to him last he was mentally and physically preparing to tackle the exciting Three Peaks Challenge to raise money for local charity Nelson’s Journey.

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Get up-to-date information for mums and dads

August 22, 2017

Life as a parent with little-ones at home can be totally hectic! Constant demands, nappy changes, housework and the sleep deprivation. Whether you're a Stay-at-Home mum or dad, working part time or full time, life can be busy and you can get overwhelmed just trying to fit everything in… let alone making time to research what’s going on.

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