
The Latest News

Cadge Road Community Centre

July 24, 2020

Cadge Road Community Centre will remain shut until mid-September when the situation will be reviewed with the hope of opening in some way shortly after that time. Over the summer...

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West Earlham Library’s Online Activities

July 14, 2020

Taking a walk around Earlham West Centre over the last few months would tell you that the Library doors are currently closed however we are still providing an online service via social media - specifically Facebook. 

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Henderson Community Park…

July 2, 2020

The car park at the community park is now open. When using the park please be aware of social distancing and appropriate hand hygiene. In addition please be aware that the play equipment and outdoor gym equipment on Henderson Community Park is now open but will NOT be cleaned so...

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Organised use of Henderson Community Park

June 26, 2020

We want everybody to be able to use the community park safely but if the park is to be used for organised activities for example by a football club, and this could even be for training, then it is important that permission is given and that appropriate public liability insurance is in place.

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